Friday, September 14, 2012

Prompt 4: Self-Reflection

Choose a work of art to represent you, like a self-portrait. Which work of art did you choose and why? Write a post describing the similarities between you and the work of art.

Prompt 3: Ask the Art

Choose a work of art to explore. Look at it for at least 10 minutes. Write a list of 15 questions you have about that work of art.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10 Exploring Variations

On Monday, the DMA created an exclusive experience for the Learning Lab students, and welcomed us to the museum during closed hours. Students explored the exhibition Variations on Theme: Contemporary Art 1950s-Present. In groups, they wrote a dialogue between two paintings and then they learned about the influence of vanitas in Andy Warhol's Electric Chair series.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Prompt 2: Fairytale

Think of a well-known story or fairytale. Choose three works of art at the DMA to tell that story. Choose one work to represent the beginning, one to represent the middle, and one to represent the end. Write a post explaining how the works of art you chose tell your story.

Prompt 1: Love/Hate

Write a personal response to a work of art in the DMA that you either LOVE or HATE upon first looking at it. Why do you feel this way? What visual elements in the work create strong feelings?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Upcoming visit to the DMA

We will make our first journey to the Dallas Museum of Art on Thursday, September 6 to see the exhibition Variations on Theme.